Mr. Rushanka Silva is a dedicated professional with a solid background in Management Accounting, Marketing, and Sales. He is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK (ACMA). Strategic and creative thinker who has proven his ability to develop strong client relationships quickly and promote teamwork efficiently. A leader with a rich mixture of experience and successes in the business world, having completed his secondary education at Trinity College, Kandy. Holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Western Sydney, Australia. An alumnus of Harvard Business School(USA).
අධ්යක්ෂ මණ්ඩලයට පත් කිරීම:
ස්වාධීන නොවන හා විධායක නොවන අධ්යක්ෂ වරයකු ලෙස 2018 ජුනි මස 01 වන දින අධ්යක්ෂ මණ්ඩලයට පත් කරන ලද අතර පසුව 2020 මැයි මස 26 වන දින අධ්යක්ෂ මණ්ඩලයේ නියෝජ්ය සභාපති වරයා ලෙස පත් කරන ලදී.
වත්මන් පත්වීම්:
Mr. Silva serves as the Deputy Chairman of Sampath Bank PLC and Non-Executive Director of Sampath Centre Limited. He is also the Managing Director of Indra Traders (Pvt) Ltd. Director of Indra Motor Spares (Pvt) Ltd, Indra Property Development (Pvt) Ltd and Chairman of Indra Hotels & Resorts Kandy (Pvt) Ltd, Braybrooke Residential Properties (Pvt) Ltd, and Braybrooke Residential Towers (Pvt) Ltd.
පෙර පත්වීම්:
ඔහු සෙරන්ඩිබ් ෆිනෑන්ස් ලිමිටඩ් සමාගමෙහි ස්වාධීන නොවන විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ වරයෙකි.
Membership in Board Sub Committees:
He is a Member of the Board Nomination Committee.